My Client/Server Internet created with Dlang

Marcone marcone at
Tue Feb 2 17:35:05 UTC 2021

On Tuesday, 2 February 2021 at 17:03:58 UTC, Energo Koder wrote:
> Please answer me for these questions:
> 1. I can see in linked file one function conecta() (beside 
> main()). This drive me to question: Is conecta() act one time 
> as server and another time as client?
> 2. Do you introduce you app with:
> import core.stdc.stdlib;
> This drive me to question: Is the C API the the only way do 
> access Internet?

1. Server for receive local aplication and client to connect 
local applicatio to remote server i iternet.

2. core.stdc.stdlib is only for use function exit(0) for close 

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