I'm creating a game purely written in D with the arsd library

James Blachly james.blachly at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 02:42:46 UTC 2021

On 1/2/21 2:10 PM, Murilo wrote:
> On Saturday, 2 January 2021 at 05:43:48 UTC, James Blachly wrote:
>> On 1/1/21 11:12 PM, Murilo wrote:
>>> Here is the link
>>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Il1xLN8b5rzghYLXTQqq2apv5YMKv7rx/view?usp=sharing 
>> Bro I would be shocked if people are excited to run a mystery binary 
>> downloaded from Google Drive.
>> The ELF binary does contain arsd symbols, and at least VMs and Unix 
>> systems give us privilege and resource isolation safety these days. 
>> Still, why not source code on Github?
> The reason why I won't show the source code is because I don't want 
> anyone hacking the game or find out the surprises hidden in the game, I 
> want the game to be a mystery, you have to play it to know what is gonna 
> happen. I also don't want anyone stealing my idea.

I promise I don't mean to be rude, just "confrontationally instructive." =)

But as far as the game, the strings are all in the binary:

Alabaster Amphora
Beautiful souvenir from Silmaria, you smell hippocrene water.
Those are delicious, and healthy.
Those are shiny gold Dracmas, use it well.
This is a cheap weapon which you can throw at the enemy.
Someone has been looking for this since 2003.
This should be 100 Brazilian Reals.
Eating this might teach me to speak Chinese.
It says Davy Jones on the label of this product.
(incidentally it look like a funny game to be sure)

And as far as the code, you have somehow imported the source text of one 
of your files into the binary:

     // Starting items
     ItemForSale alabasterAmphora = ItemForSale("Alabaster Amphora", 
"Beautiful souvenir from Silmaria, you smell hippocrene water.",
Image.fromMemoryImage(loadImageFromMemory(cast(immutable ubyte[]) 
import("items/alabaster amphora.jpeg"))),
Image.fromMemoryImage(loadImageFromMemory(cast(immutable ubyte[]) 
import("icons/icon alabaster amphora.jpeg"))),
                                                200, false),
                 fruits = ItemForSale("Fruits", "Those are delicious, 
and healthy.",

Anyway, my point is -- try to not to worry to much that others will 
steal your code or your idea. A determined adversary will do what he wants.

My final suggestion is that -- given this is a D programming 
enthusiasts' newsgroup, where we are interested in seeing D code, you 
might get great feedback on the code itself.

Kind regards

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