Please Congratulate My New Assistant

Max Haughton maxhaton at
Tue Jan 19 00:12:49 UTC 2021

On Monday, 18 January 2021 at 22:33:43 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
> On Monday, 18 January 2021 at 09:21:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
>> Thanks once more to Symmetry Investments, we have a new paid 
>> staffer in the D Language Foundation family.
>> Though I call him my "assistant", I can already see he will be 
>> more than that. He'll be taking some things off my shoulders, 
>> sure, but he also has ideas of his own to bring into the mix. 
>> Adding him to the team is certain to be a boon for the D 
>> community.
>> So, a word of warning to those of you who haven't heard from 
>> me in a while pestering you for blog posts: get used to the 
>> name "Max Haughton".
>> And congratulate him while you're at it!
> What is the tasks of this new "assistant"?

It's looking like the things I'll be doing can be split under two 
major categories - the first is "just" generally doing whatever 
Mike needs doing (He's a busy man), and some more autonomous 
things like scouting for the blog. The second category is a bit 
looser, as there are some things I'd like to do that come under 
the community relations remit that aren't as structured - e.g. I 
am very interested in getting a proper working group together to 
try and iterate through designs properly rather than incremental 

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