D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting Summary

IGotD- nise at nise.com
Fri Jun 4 19:31:57 UTC 2021

On Friday, 4 June 2021 at 18:34:32 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> You might be surprised, but it's actually not up to you what 
> topic fits or not.
> I said GC-phobia is irrational, I did not say any criticism of 
> it is.
> Obviously GC is good for some things and not good at all for 
> other things.
> What *is* irrational is saying it has absolutely no place at 
> all.

I don't think it is a phobia but it is a question of choice. We 
can clearly observe how different the demands are for different 
programmers in this forum. I enjoy GC for the appropriate 
programs, however there are SW where GC is a problem and cannot 
be used. Because of this Phobos must take the lowest common 
denominator approach (malloc/free) in order to be able to 
accommodate all the different needs.

D is one these Swiss army knife languages that can be used for 
everything, including low level software and everything in 
between. What D should strive for is to give programmers a choice 
and put up as few barriers as possible. It's certainly 
challenging to make a library and language fitting everyone needs 
but D is at least one of the best foundation of achieving that 

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