Teaching D at a Russian University

Patrick Schluter Patrick.Schluter at bbox.fr
Sun Feb 20 13:47:37 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 20 February 2022 at 11:35:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> On Sunday, 20 February 2022 at 11:04:45 UTC, Patrick Schluter 
> wrote:
>> I read that the "for" as an equivalent of "because" was indeed 
>> almost extinct but was more or less resurrected by Tolkien as 
>> he used it throughout Lord of the Rings and the 
>> Hobbit.https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/566024/the-meaning-of-word-for-at-the-beginning-of-sentence
> Yes, the Tolkienesque way of using "for" at the beginning of a 
> sentence is rarely used anymore. But it is still sometimes used 
> in modern writing to join two independent clauses together in a 
> single sentence, usually for flavor.

The funny thing, as an English as third language learner (I grew 
up as French and German bilingual) Tolkienesque for never 
registered as something odd. It was only when a colleague, who 
happened to be a native english speaker, made a remark in one of 
my emails at work that I learnt about it.

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