D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting for February 2022

Guillaume Piolat first.last at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 12:44:51 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 27 February 2022 at 11:53:18 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> **128-bit integers**
> Finally, Walter said he has looked at implementing 128-bit 
> integers (cent and ucent), but implementing them in DMD would 
> be a nightmare. After more thought, he has decided it's 
> probably better to implement them as a library type. He 
> mentioned how complex numbers were ripped out of the compiler 
> and implemented as a library feature. The work that has already 
> been done on `cent`/`ucent` will not be wasted, as it can still 
> be built on to implement the library type.

128-bit soft cent/ucent here:

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