Adding Modules to C in 10 Lines of Code

forkit forkit at
Mon Jun 6 05:01:27 UTC 2022

On Monday, 6 June 2022 at 03:28:07 UTC, zjh wrote:
> On Monday, 6 June 2022 at 03:17:34 UTC, forkit wrote:
>> Some new languages have even gone out of there way to get rid 
>> of the class type completely! At least D hasn't gone that 
>> far.. yet. I suspect there are many in the D community that 
>> would welcome that ;-)
> I don't know many other languages,I am not used to them.
> `Rust` seems no class. These people are too radical.

Rust did not set out to be a multi-paradigm language.

For Rust, I suspect they got of rid of the class, because they 
were setting out to be a high-performace, systems-level, 
programming language, and so decided that the class abstraction 
had to go. Ok. Fair enough.

D likes to think of itself as a high-performace, systems-level, 
programming language, as well, but it also claims to be a 
multi-paradigm language.

I have no doubt that many in the D community would also love to 
remove the class abstraction from the langauge, completely, and 
then they could force people into thinking 'the D way'.

I guess they want us to be grateful, that they have provided us 
with a pseudo class type. How nice of them.

The addidtion of a little character, @, to word private, could 
change this:

@private // Compiler says: oh. so you really want private to mean 
private? ok. I'll do it for you. no problem.

But I think even that is asking too much of the D community ;-)

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