GCC 12.1 Released (D v2.100-rc.1)

Iain Buclaw ibuclaw at gdcproject.org
Sat May 7 22:07:58 UTC 2022

On Saturday, 7 May 2022 at 20:14:51 UTC, Witold Baryluk wrote:
> Good you mentioned that! I was not aware of the sponsorship 
> program, and now that I know, I gladly will chip in (well, just 
> did it moments ago). For testing infrastructure, I would 
> suggest tracking compilation speed and memory usage and output 
> binary size of GDC on amd64 and aarch64 at least (to detect 
> compiler getting slower, or due to growth of Phobos / 
> druntime), and having a public website showing this data. 
> Something like this maybe https://fast.vlang.io/
> Cheers.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Vladimir did in fact do that for dmd 
last decade, it only ran for a couple years though.  Have been 
thinking about maybe reviving it every so often.


Adam (maybe in a TWID post) did a few months back lament that D1 
vs D2 equivalent code compiles slower with the latter.  The bulk 
of which in the trivial case came from Druntime and how many 
modules are imported (D1 object.d had no imports, D2 object.d 
imports around 25 modules).  Remove the excessive imports and the 
original speed was observed again.  That's only one small example 
though of where perceived slowness comes from the library 
becoming more complex over time - and I expect it only to 
increase as more of the old opaque compiler-library interface is 
replaced with a templated interface that exposes the guts of what 
each helper does (for improved run-time performance, of course).

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