cogito, cognitive complexity for D

Christian Köstlin christian.koestlin at
Tue May 24 21:25:38 UTC 2022

On 2022-05-17 12:50, Eugen Wissner wrote:
> Glad to announce that Funkwerk releases cogito [1], a tool that measures
> cognitive complexity of D code.

Thanks for sharing this tool.
I tried it on OSX by building with this script instead of your Makefile 
as I am managing my dlang version with

#!/bin/bash -xe

# select dmd sources (please run ~/dlang/ dmd-2.098.1 manually)

# prepare filesystem
rm -f tools/dmd2/src
mkdir -p tools/dmd2
ln -s $DMD_SOURCES tools/dmd2/src

mkdir -p build

# activate compiler (please run ~/dlang/ ldc-1.29.0 manually)
source ~/dlang/ldc-1.29.0/activate

# build dmd-lib
ldmd2 -debug -lib -version=MARS -version=NoMain -J=./include 
-J=$DMD_SOURCES/dmd/dmd/res -I$DMD_SOURCES/dmd -od=build -of=dmd.a 
$DMD_SOURCES/dmd/dmd/*.d $DMD_SOURCES/dmd/dmd/*/*.d

# and cognito
dub build --build=release --config=executable

and I am wondering what real world "numbers" are. Is e.g. 20 a "good" or 
"bad" number?

Another question that comes to mind is, if the dmd frontend could be 
made available as a dub package, which would simplify the build process?

Kind regards,

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