D Language Foundation August 2022 Monthly Meeting Summary
Mike Parker
aldacron at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 11:39:44 UTC 2022
Under normal circumstances, I would have scheduled our August
meeting on Friday, August 5th, but as most of us were in London
for DConf, August 4th, the day of the Hackathon, was a perfect
day for it. So in the afternoon, those of us physically present
gathered in the space behind the DConf stage, with Iain joining
us remotely, and got down to business.
This was only the second opportunity we've had to hold one of
these meetings in person since we started them, the last being a
quarterly meeting at DConf 2019. We really enjoyed this one, and
we ended up in pockets of conversation that went on after the
meeting finished, which allowed for some participants to further
discuss topics that arose in the meeting, among other things. I'm
looking forward to our next chance for a face-to-face meeting.
## Particpants
Walter Bright
Iain Buclaw
Max Haughton
Dennis Korpel
Mathias Lang
Átila Neves
Robert Schadek
### Me
I opened by informing everyone that Robert will be joining all of
our monthly meetings going forward. He has been representing
Symmetry at our quarterly meetings (since the beginning, IIRC),
and I have brought him in to the monthly meetings now and again.
He told me during the conference that he was willing to join us
every month.
I then announced that I had nothing on the agenda, and I turned
the floor over to Iain.
### Iain
Iain started with an update on the merger of the dmd and druntime
repositories, saying that it had gone mostly well, and that he,
Mathias, Martin, and Vladimir had handled the problems that came
up. He said the main takeaway was that our build infrastructure
is a mess. There are too many makefiles and scripts all over the
place, many of which do the exact same thing. He thinks it would
be good to put them in a single repository that everything else
feeds off of, but anything is better than what we have now. Atila
This led to a discussion about build.d vs. the makefiles. Max
noted that building dmd with `dmd -i` almost works, and there's
just one thing in the backend preventing it. Ultimately, we
decided that we need a someone to act as a build manager to focus
on streamlining our build system. Atila jokingly nominated Iain
for this, since he brought it up. (When I brought this up with
Iain in our September meeting, he had forgotten about it, but
agreed in principle to oversee a building system revamp. He and I
will discuss this more later.)
Next, Iain said the release scripts were the next things in his
sights. Martin Nowak had previously taken him through the process
of packaging a dmd release, but at this point there were two
things he didn't have: a valid code-signing certificate and
access to the S3 buckets for downloads.dlang.org. The
code-signing certificate we had from DigiCert was good for three
years, but had expired the year before, and now was causing
problems in signing the Windows release. EV code-signing certs
are expensive, and also have a 2FA dependency on a hardware
token. Guillaume pointed suggested OV certs in a subsequent forum
discussion, as they are cheaper and easier to use, but
unfortunately, Iain has since discovered that the situation is
set to change in a couple of months. Apparently, Microsoft's new
policy will result in some form of 2FA for all code-signing
certs, not just EV. I'm not at all versed on the details, or the
pros and cons, so I'll leave it to someone else to answer any
As for downloads.dlang.org, he noted that I had set up a
Backblaze account where we intended to transfer all of the files.
He and I also explained how we'll have free bandwidth with
Backblaze by using CloudFlare in front, as they are both part of
the Bandwidth Alliance. He also noted that docharchives.dlang.io
had been down for a while, and he was going to move it to a
Backblaze bucket. As I mentioned in [the summary of the July
meeting](https://forum.dlang.org/post/lxfildvecircypoabain@forum.dlang.org) that I published last week, he has since migrated the download files to Backblaze. Iain then clarified in a reply that downloads.dlang.org still goes to the S3 bucket for now, but that docarchives.dlang.io is operational again from a Backblaze bucket.
As for the releases, Iain plans to try and get an environment set
up through GitHub Actions in which anyone on the core team to
trigger the packaging of a release, so that we are no longer
reliant on one person to handle it.
### Dennis
Dennis had nothing for us at this meeting.
### Max
Max said he had nothing either, but Walter asked about his 80-bit
floating point emulation work. Max said he had implemented
multiplication and addition without correct rounding. Walter
suggested he look at Walter's half-float implementation for
inspiration. Max thought he should consult Knuth, but Walter
thinks that's not necessary if he uses the half-float
implementation as a reference. But they both agreed there's not a
lot of information available on the topic.
I mentioned to Max that I had spoken to Eyal Lotem of Weka about
the move constructor DIP ([DIP 1040, "Copying, Moving, and
Forwarding"](https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/master/DIPs/DIP1043.md), for which Max is the POC). Eyal told me this is the last big problem Weka has, so I asked him to review the DIP and provide us with some feedback before I move it to the next review round. Max said he had also spoken with Eyal and was particularly interested in Weka's thoughts on the semantics involving "last use". I had intended to email Eyal about this later, but I didn't get around to it until I started writing this summary.
Max then remembered something he'd wanted to mention: people are
using [the Dicsussions page in the dmd
repository](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/discussions) to report
dmd bugs. He suggested this shows that there's no argument for
using Bugzilla. Robert concurred, and then launched into his
### Robert
Robert updated us on the current state of his scripts for
migrating Bugzilla issues to GitHub. He believed he had found
everybody who has both Bugzilla and GitHub accounts, and all that
remained there was to `@` tag them. He wanted to find a way to do
it without spamming everyone with GitHub notifications. He
believed the way to do that was to have the issues private during
the move, then make them public after. He would have to put the
script on a VM and let it run, as GitHub limits how many issues
can be created in an hour, then requires a period of sleep. He
would need an admin to create keys for him to use with the GitHub
repositories, then he could pull the trigger when he's ready.
He them said that once all of the issues are migrated, we should
activate the GitHub's project planner with a focus on identifying
issues that new contributors can handle and that we should try to
respond quickly to their PRs, and do what we can to onboard them.
He noted how he is a contributor today because he was able to get
a few commits into a core repository early on and was motivated
to keep going, so we should do everything we can to ease the
entry process for new contributors. There was some more
discussion about this, but in the end it's going to be in the
hands of the PR Managers (Razvan and Dennis).
Mathias noted how most of the issues on Bugzilla are for dmd. He
suggested the phobos should be the first project to have the
issues migrated. Robert said he's been using Phobos as a test
case, so once it's where he'll be starting anyway.
Mathias then asked how Robert handled categorization (for
example, the "x86" category on Bugzilla). Robert said part of the
program looks at all the Bugzilla categories and sorts them into
different color-coded GitHub labels. Mathias said he had also
done some work on equivalent GitHub labels and they're already in
the GitHub organization. They agreed to get together later to
finalize a list of labels, though they did briefly delve into
some of the details here.
### Atila
Atila hadn't been aware of all the work that had recently been
going into dub (mostly from Mathias and Jan Jurzitza, a.k.a.
Webfreak). He was happy to hear about it, but slightly annoyed
that he hadn't known. Other than that, he had nothing for us.
This led to a tangential discussion about new ways to recognize
and reward contributors. I won't summarize that here, but it's
something we're looking at.
### Mathias
Mathias asked Walter if he could make a breaking change to
`Throwable`. That class has an internal interface, `TraceInfo`,
which has two `opApply` implementations. Both of them take
intended to take `char` arrays to generate text output, but
Mathias said that's not ideal. Internally, DRuntime has a struct
that contains more info, and it would be better to provide the
user with this struct rather than a string. The user can then
format the output however they want it.
The problem is that changing the interface is a breaking change.
Most D users probably don't even know the interface exists, and
if they do they probably aren't using it. If anyone is using it
though, it would be Weka. So if he talked to Weka and got the
thumbs up from them, would the change be allowed? Walter and
Atila both saw no problem with it.
### Walter
Walter brought up the idea of having a forum page for each page
of the documentation, something Paul from Ucora had brought up in
the forums and that we had discussed in our quarterly meeting in
July. It seems the idea had stuck in his mind.
Now that he had ImportC working well, he wanted to spend some
time knocking out DIP 1000 issues. This would be his priority for
now. This led to discussion of some issues Atila and Dennis had
found. Atila still needed to reduce his, but the one Dennis
referenced was already in Bugzilla.
From here we wandered off into a discussion of random topics such
as the benefit of having an in-person meeting, speculation about
next year's DConf, the coronavirus, and more. There was a bit of
technical topics discussed, but nothing that needs coverage here.
In otherwords, I didn't ever "gavel" the meeting closed as I
usually do in our virtual meetings, but we were done. And we
enjoyed hanging out a while longer before we wandered off to the
main room.
## The next meeting
For the second time in a row, I'm publishing a meeting summary
after the next meeting has already taken place. It was a regular
monthly meeting that we held at 14:00 UTC on September 2. I
expect to be back on track with this one, so you should see a
summary for it published in the last week of this month. The next
meeting as I write is a quarterly meeting which we should be
having on October 7 at 14:00 UTC.
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