D Language Foundation April 2023 Quarterly Meeting Summary
john.michael.hall at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 15:42:29 UTC 2023
On Friday, 28 April 2023 at 14:29:47 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> The D Language Foundation's second quarterly meeting for 2023
> took place on April 7 at 14:00 UTC. It lasted just over an
> hour. This was the first "standalone" quarterly meeting, where
> the foundation's monthly discussion was split into a separate
> meeting the following week.
> [snip]
Thanks for these, as always.
> He next brought up the persistent issue of slower compile
> times. He noted that LDC now has > a "very, very snazzy"
> command-line option, -ftime-trace, that outputs profiles of LDC
> compile times in the Chrome Trace Event format, which can then
> be seen as a flame graph in a viewer. [snip]
Two points:
1) I feel like LDC has a lot of cool features that I'm not really
sure how to use properly
2) It would be cool to have a built-in way to profile unittests
by module. So for instance, the output would be how long it took
the unit tests to run, broken out by module and then with a total.
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