LDC 1.36.0-beta1

kinke noone at nowhere.com
Tue Dec 5 00:31:20 UTC 2023

Glad to announce the first beta for LDC 1.36. Major changes:

* Based on D 2.106.0.
* Support for LLVM 17; the prebuilt packages use v17.0.6.
* New GDC-compatible CLI options 
`-fno-{exceptions,moduleinfo,rtti}` to selectively enable some 
`-betterC` effects.
* Support for sample-based PGO via clang-compatible CLI option 
`-fprofile-sample-use` and `ldc-profgen` tool.

Full release log and downloads: 

Please give this some extra regression testing if you find the 
time, as it's the first LDC version with enforced opaque IR 
pointers, and there might still be related, hard-to-find bugs 
lurking in our codebase. You can e.g. run *optimized* unittests 
via `DFLAGS=-O dub run -c unittest -b unittest`.

So please help test, and thanks to all contributors & sponsors!

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