DScanner v0.16.0-beta.1 - looking for IDE dev feedback

WebFreak001 d.forum at webfreak.org
Sat Jul 8 21:59:53 UTC 2023


## For IDE devs:

the new D-Scanner version comes with a major new improvement: 
automatic fix suggestions for diagnostics. As IDE dev you can use 
the existing `--report` functionality to get JSON parsable output 
for the issues, along with new information such as start/end byte 

Then when the user wants to query auto-fixes for any given issue 
(or just in general at any location in the file), use `dscanner 
--resolveMessage b512 file.d` to list the resolved auto-fixes at 
the given location. See the README.md for more information.

Looking for feedback on the API and if you need any changes. 
Additionally this API is usable with D-Scanner as a library as 

## For users:

`dscanner fix source/` can be used to interactively auto-fix all 
issues inside the source/ directory that have available autmoatic 

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