implicit-context v0.0.1

Antonio antoniocabreraperez at
Thu Oct 5 22:38:35 UTC 2023

On Friday, 29 September 2023 at 08:33:56 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> On Thursday, 28 September 2023 at 23:28:02 UTC, Guillaume 
> Piolat wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Ever had a bit of feature-envy about Odin's "context" feature 
>> [1]? It is something used to pass "contextual" parameters, 
>> like a logger, an allocator, to callees. It is akin to Scala's 
>> "implicit parameters", or Jai contexts [2].
>> [...]
> Interesting, what are the benefits of using this instead of 
> global variables?

Context is dynamically generated/destroyed.  I developed this 
Idea in 2009 with c#. We named this  "functional context" (15 
years ago)... I found out later something similar with AOP 
(Aspects Oriented Programming) when working with Spring in java

Lets see an example

     long create(PersonDto person) =>
       withTransaction( (auto cnx){
         // Perform person creation stuff
         long personId = cnx.execute(
            "insert into people ... returning id",
         return personId;

     long create(CustomerDto customer) =>
       withTransaction( (auto cnx){
          long personId = create( customer.person );
          long customerId = cnx.execute(
            "insert into customers ... returning id",
            [personId, ... ]
          return customerId;

     void main(){
         CustomerDto customer = { code:"P001", 
person:{name:"Peter", nif:"3442543211F"}};
         long customerId = create( customer );

The "withTransaction" function, iternally, asks the context if 
there is an opened transaction.

* If not found:
     *  It creates one and registers it into the context.
     *  calls the delegate
     *  commits the transaction and removes it from the context
     *  returns the delegate result.
     *  If an exception is thrown by the delegate, then the 
transaction is rollbacked instead commited and the exception is 
passed through to the caller.

* If found:
     * Calls the delegate transparently and returns it's result

This use case of "implicit-context" works naturally in a "per 
thread context".

Stackability is nice: (this example is not so real, but a "how 
to" example):

     void createPersonAction() =>
       withHttpResponse( res =>
       withAuthentifiedUser( user =>
       withHttpBody!Person( person =>
       withLogger("createPersonAction", (logger) {"Something to be logged");
         auto id = withTransaction( cnx => cnx.execute(...) );
         res.send(id) )
It shoud be more natural this way ...

     void createPersonAction() =>
       with( auto res = implicitHttpResponse())
       with( auto user = implicitAuthentifiedUser())
       with( auto person = implicitHttpBody!Person())
       with( auto logger = implicitLogger("createPersonAction") )
       {"Something to be logged");
         with( auto cnx = implicitTransaction() )
            auto id =  cnx.execute(...);
            res.send(id); // Bad place... there is an oppened 
transaction here!!!

... but remember than we need to manage "exceptions" dependant 
behaviours implicitly:  **with(** is not an option for AOP.

As you can see, this is not an "Object oriented dependency 
injection"... Each "withX" internally interacts with the context 
to find or create the resource and, additionally,  performs some 
functional extra proccessing (before, after and exception).

i.e.: withHttpResponse:
* if res.send is called: this is the data to be serialized as a 
result (status 202)
* if res.send is not called, then "404 not found" will be 
generated when delegate ends.
* if an exception is raised by the delegate, it will be 
transformed in an "standard" http error

As a ramarkable benefit:  it is really simple to wrap with 
mockups when testing


* It is "runtime" generated/consumed without compilation time 
verification (i.e.: you can call createPersonAction without an 
HttpRequest in the context )... but this is a dependency 
injection assumed problem.

* You are in risk to move to "implicit context" too many things 
(remember that functions have parameters :-) )

It was only a possible use of "implicit context" :-)

Best regards

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