marmos v0.1.0 (alpha state) - Documentation Generation using external tooling

Bradley Chatha sealabjaster at
Mon Aug 12 20:21:00 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 2 July 2024 at 19:18:38 UTC, Bradley Chatha wrote:
> ...

I didn't really want to litter with another announce post so 
soon, so just posting here that v0.3.0 is out now:

* Most of the information you'd probably like to see in docs is 
now extracting, so it's a lot better to look at.

* General improvements to rendering the documentation within 

* The [demo 
will now automatically update anytime I release a new version.

* The flow for using marmos is slightly easier since the 
typescript project is now on NPM, and there's also a docker 
image, though it's all still a bit jank.

There's still plenty of issues left though such as:

* A lot of private symbols are still showing up in the docs.

* I still haven't figured out how to actually extract the right 
hand side of `alias ABC = "how do I get this from the AST?"`

* I also haven't figured out how to distinguish between an `auto` 
variable and an `enum` so the docs will just say `<auto or enum>`.

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