marmos v0.1.0 (alpha state) - Documentation Generation using external tooling

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Wed Jul 3 03:19:12 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 2 July 2024 at 19:18:38 UTC, Bradley Chatha wrote:
> # Overview
> marmos (MARs + deiMOS... I'm not creative) is a tool for 
> generating a "generic documentation model" from D code that can 
> then be consumed and converted into other formats for external 
> documentation generators.

Do I understand that this is something that generates a JSON file 
for consumption by other doc generators?

It's very cool that you are using the parser as a library!

Can you elaborate on why one would want to use this instead of 
ddoc or something like adrdox or ddox? Do you think this might be 
in a state some day to replace the D docs (which I've heard 
complaints about recently)?


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