Is D programming friendly for beginners?

Matheus matheus at
Wed Jul 24 15:02:04 UTC 2024

I work at home, but once I was at the office and I saw someone 
literally copying a SO answer direct to the project, and many 
times I saw code there were literally copied as is, I could tell 
because the way it was written, language etc. One of the cases 
was a LIB in Oracle to read JSON, it came with all the flaws you 
would expected, and the limitation of 32767 characters.

The other day I saw a video of C++ (I think it was from Jason 
Tyler or a name like that), showing some code generated by AI, 
and he said it was very clever.

Now I wonder about the future in this area... I mean for some 
will be a matter of copying from SO or AI. =]


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