DConf '24 Schedule & BeerConf News

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 13:53:39 UTC 2024

On Monday, 3 June 2024 at 13:26:54 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> ## The DConf '24 Schedule
> The DConf '24 schedule is now live:
> https://dconf.org/2024/index.html#schedule
> You'll notice that we've departed from the norm in a few 
> places. That's because of the number of submissions we 
> received. Typically, we receive either just enough or many more 
> than we need. This year, we needed 16 and received submissions 
> from 19 people.


Maybe on the template for next year, have an optional rating 
field for "How important is this talk to you / how time-critical 
is this talk" so you can sort by "is fine being deferred". My 
Neat talk was a bit time-critical to me due to the development 
schedule, and of course close to my heart; conversely, I wouldn't 
have had a problem with moving the Dustmite talk to '25, for 

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