Phobos 3 Development is Open!

Denis Feklushkin feklushkin.denis at
Sat Jun 22 13:24:59 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 10:51:52 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
> The first PR for Phobos 3 has been merged into the Phobos repo!

Oh, I remembered one wish:

Please, make Phobos modules disableable! Something like:

enum isFileIOisAvailable = __traits(compiles, /* some druntime 
filesIO-related code */);

static if (isFileIOisAvailable):

That is, for example, if the code using core.stdc.stdio.fopen is 
not compiles that means files or stream subsystem isn't available 
and, thus, it is not need to provide std.file module and so on 
related to the files/std streams subsystem.

The same is for any other Phobos modules relying on support of 
any hardware features.

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