Sokol now has official D bindings

Hipreme msnmancini at
Tue May 14 13:21:08 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 12:46:13 UTC, ryuukk_ wrote:
> LDC yet again is proving how essential it is for D, now that 
> more OS are embracing ARM, having LDC available and maintained 
> to support latest version of LLVM and all kind of platforms is 
> a blessing
> The maintainer is using macOS, and his library targets many 
> platforms including the web with WASM, both supported by LDC 
> out of the box
> DMD for fast iteration time (on x86, hopefully ARM in the 
> future)
> And LDC for everything else
> It's a deadly combo, thanks to everyone working hard on 
> maintaining both projects

- On my work with redub, I've used dmd as a default. If it is not 
being able to find it, it will give an warning and try LDC 
- No need to change float default from nan to 0, excluding my own 
opinion, Walter concretely believes that nan is better than 0. I 
would like to at least get warnings on uninitialized floats, so 
it becomes 50-50 and no one will ever initialize float to nan 
- Could we get official LDC full D support to WASM? I haven't 
been having much time to work with D. When I do have time, the 
last thing I want to do is updating my custom runtime again. 
Beyond that, people always get the wrong impression from the WASM 
status quo. I know we won't have a garbage collection, but 90% of 
the work will be done. Just send a warning for anyone using D 
wasm runtime that support is incomplete. D always done that 

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