Beerconf May

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Thu May 23 17:42:38 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 11 May 2024 at 20:35:17 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> This month, we are having our favorite online gathering on the 
> 25-26 of May. We will announce the stream the day of the 25th.

Hi All, just a friendly reminder this is happening in 2 days!

> ## Presentations?
> Let me know if you have anything you want to schedule, via 
> discord, email, or anywhere you find me. I will announce it, 
> and get you an audience!

Nobody has asked to show anything, so I thought I might do a 
quick dive into how the new [Interpolation Expression 
Sequences]( (a.k.a. string 
interpolation) work. These were added in the last major version 
of D, and I'm excited to start using these in my libraries!

I will do a very informal presentation (no slides, just talking 
and coding) at about 18:00 UTC on Saturday. We will send out an 
announcement when it's about to start as well.

See you then!


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