The D Programming Language and Its Role in Cybersecurity

Dom DiSc dominikus at
Sat May 25 09:12:12 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 25 May 2024 at 07:58:35 UTC, aberba wrote:
> On Friday, 24 May 2024 at 19:54:16 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
> wrote:
>> On Monday, 20 May 2024 at 21:21:24 UTC, aberba wrote:
>>> Found this article by Raymond Andrè Hagen:
>> My goodness this is a terrible article. Almost no substance. 
>> Is this AI generated?
>> -Steve
> Lol, the author looks like a seasoned security professional.

Not for long if he continues to produce such garbage. The article 
contains          almost no arguments, only a few claims without 
deeper reasoning, but those  are repeated in each chapter with 
almost the same words.
I assume even an AI can do better.

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