Demo for The Art of Reflection released (a 3D game and engine fully written in D)

Dukc ajieskola at
Sun May 26 18:25:10 UTC 2024

Lewis kirjoitti 24.5.2024 klo 20.45:
> Hello! Not sure if it's of interest, but I've been developing a 3D game 
> and engine in D for a few years, and finally have a demo up on Steam for 
> anyone interested in poking around (Windows only unfortunately).
> - All code (engine and game) written in D. Shaders in HLSL. External 
> libraries used for some subsystems (eg. PhysX, FMOD)
> - Custom 3D DX11 renderer using PBR + IBL
> - Supports mirror rendering, with hundreds of simultaneous mirrors and 
> recursive mirrors (passing seamlessly through mirrors is a core game 
> mechanic)
> - Asset burning/cooking system for textures, geometry, materials, and 
> shaders. All asset types support hotswapping.
> - Flexible code hotswapping, by putting 99% of the game and engine in a DLL
> - Scrappy in-game level editor that supports editing during gameplay
> Since I'm building the game as a commercial project I haven't released 
> source code, but plan to open source it after the game releases. Happy 
> though of course to answer any questions, share code snippets, 
> techniques, general experiences, etc.

While I'm personally probably not going to use this (I'm currently very 
happy with Godot and it's D binding for what I'm doing), I'll opinion 
that it's impressive that if/when when you release this one, we'll have 
three purely D 3D game engines (this, Dagon and Hipreme Engine), and 
maybe on top of these some less well known ones.

I'll be happy to read updates about them once in a while even if I'm 
probably not having a need for them.

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