North Korean Hackers Developing Malware in Dlang Programming Language

Ferhat Kurtulmuş aferust at
Mon May 27 17:08:55 UTC 2024

On Monday, 27 May 2024 at 16:17:07 UTC, aberba wrote:
> By Ionut Arghire:
>> The North Korea-linked hacking group Lazarus has been observed 
>> deploying Dlang malware in attacks against organizations in 
>> the manufacturing, agriculture, and physical security sectors, 
>> Cisco’s Talos security researchers report.

I asked chatgpt if it wrote this paragraph, and it said yes.

"Dlang is considered an uncommon programming language for malware 
development, but has started attracting malware developers, 
likely due to its versatility and easy learning curve. Dlang 
allows developers to cross-compile applications for multiple 

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