powerline-d (I got an AI to port powerline-shell to D)

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 09:38:32 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 1 October 2024 at 05:59:30 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
> On Wednesday, 4 September 2024 at 12:24:07 UTC, FeepingCreature 
> wrote:
>> Now there's a few rewrites, one in Rust, one in Go, but I mean 
>> - we're a D shop, and I'll be damned if I make critical 
>> workflow dependent on a Rust tool. But hey, the source isn't 
>> *that* big - only 2116 lines spread over 43 files. 61KB of 
>> source code. That comfortably fits in the context window of 
>> Claude 3.5 Sonnet.
> Obvious question. Can it riir?

Lol probably. I think the more visible typing and structure there 
is, the more it struggles. It has problems with D imports too. 
Humans can go back and add something to the top of the line - a 
LLM has to keep typing, front to bottom.

Honestly to be optimal for LLMs, function parameters should be at 
the bottom.

> "Doesn't work reliably" is an actual proof of it having no 
> understanding. It's patterns just sometimes match common logic 
> (or you imagine the reasons behind it).

Honestly, this applies exactly to humans. We are just better at 
noticing when our patterns break and correcting ourselves.

Since I've started using LLMs, I've frequently noticed myself 
saying blatantly wrong things and going "heh, stochastic parrot 
moment". It's very clear to me that my language generation is 
just a next-token predictor with a bunch of sanity checks. 
Sometimes those checks take a bit too long to kick in and I 

They'll get there.

> If some kid sometimes called a specific animal a cat and other 
> times called the same animal a dog, you'll be sure that kid has 
> no idea what cats and dogs actually are.

No? You'd say it's confused about cats and dogs. It has *some* 
model, or else it would call them a toaster or a water with equal 

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