Just another QR code library

Andrea Fontana nospam at example.org
Wed Oct 16 12:58:29 UTC 2024

Hey everyone,

I've been working on a small project lately and thought I'd share 
it with you all. It's a simple QR code generation library. It is 
based on Project Nayuki's library.

The main idea behind it was to create something that doesn't rely 
on any external dependencies. I know how annoying it can be when 
you want to do something simple like generating a QR code, and 
you end up having to install a bunch of packages. So, this 
library is completely self-contained.

Some key points about it:

- No external dependencies, as mentioned.
- You can tweak various generation parameters to get the QR code 
just how you want it.
- It supports exporting to different formats: SVG, PNG, and PPM.

If you need something straightforward, this might be useful.

`dub add qr`

import qr;
import std.stdio;

void main()
    // ASCII art FTW
    QrCode("Hello D!").writeln();

    // Save as PNG. Look, Ma, no external deps!
    QrCode("Hello D!").save("simple-qr.png");

The code and docs are up on GitHub https://github.com/trikko/qr

Feel free to check it out, use it if you find it helpful, and let 
me know if you run into any issues or have suggestions for 

Andrea Fontana

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