LDC 1.40.0-beta3

kinke noone at nowhere.com
Mon Sep 9 16:54:47 UTC 2024

Glad to announce the 3rd beta for LDC 1.40. Major changes:

* Based on D ~2.110.0 (yesterday's upstream stable).
* LLVM for prebuilt packages bumped to v18.1.8 (incl. macOS 
* Android: NDK for prebuilt package bumped from r26d to r27.
* Mainly for **distro package maintainers**: Use system zlib 
instead of Phobos' vendored version through CMake 
* Edge-case fixes regarding IR struct layouts and link-time 
culling (for ELF targets).

Full release log and downloads: 

Please help test, and thanks to all contributors & sponsors!

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