Released vibe.d 0.10.1 (WebRPC)

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Tue Sep 24 09:45:53 UTC 2024

Am 15.09.2024 um 14:22 schrieb WebFreak001:
> On Friday, 13 September 2024 at 09:40:27 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
>> [...]
> awesome! First time hearing of WebRPC but its simplicity in using 
> existing standards and thus having wide compatibility seems to make it a 
> good choice.

I hope to eventually end up with a toolkit that makes it very easy to 
implement peer-to-peer networks of various kinds, in order to facilitate 
a decentralized alternative (or extension) to the currently ubiquitous 
centralized approaches. The next important step for that is to get QUIC 
up and running to make that a possible transport basis.

Oh, and of course I forgot to mention a super important point in the 
release announcement. **Huge thanks to you for your support!** - Over 
the past months, WebFreak has generously sponsored some of my open 
source development, which has allowed me to once again dedicate some 
time for general vibe.d development and DUB maintenance. All of the big 
changes this year would simply not have been possible without him.

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