powerline-d (I got an AI to port powerline-shell to D)

Vladimir Marchevsky vladimmi at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 13:57:03 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 26 September 2024 at 06:58:28 UTC, FeepingCreature 
> You can disprove this to yourself by just talking to it. Have a 
> chat, have it explain what it was going for. Doesn't always 
> work reliably, but that there's *no* understanding there is 
> easily disproven.

I don't know whether images can be used here, so just a text 
quote of ChatGPT 4o:

> - Human brain weights about 1400 grams. Hamster brain weights 
> about 1.4 grams. How many hamsters are needed to create one 
> human brain?
> - To determine how many hamsters' brains would equal the weight 
> of one human brain, you can divide the weight of a human brain 
> by the weight of a hamster brain: [weight calculations here]. 
> So, it would take 1,000 hamsters' brains to match the weight of 
> one human brain.

It's completely obvious how there is no understanding of context 
at all. It just matches a simple weight calculation pattern and 
completely ignores a clear context of an actual question that 
asks something else. You can imagine the effect of such 
"off-topic" somewhere deep in the complex generated code. I 
wouldn't trust this to write any code that is not triple-checked 
by real programmers afterwards...

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