giD v0.9.2 GObject Introspection binding repository and generator with Gtk4 support

Element Green element at
Tue Feb 18 01:35:56 UTC 2025

On Tuesday, 18 February 2025 at 00:30:55 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
> On 18/02/2025 1:16 PM, Element Green wrote:
>> I got another request for making the names lower case.  I 
>> guess that would be **snake_case** for the modules and just 
>> lowercase for the package names?  So for example 
>> `pangocairo.font_map.FontMap` would be the 
>> `package.module.class`.  I'm considering making these changes, 
>> since it was only recently released and I have the version < 
>> 1.0 for a reason.  I must admit though that I prefer CamelCase 
>> but understand the reasons for using lowercase packages and 
>> modules (for case insensitive file systems).
> If you are generating these modules, and its coming from the 
> source material, stick with the source material for names.
> Otherwise you could get conflicts at a later point in time (not 
> good).

Well its GObject Introspection which is flexible with respect to 
how languages utilize it for creating language bindings.  It is 
encouraged to utilize it in a way that feels native from what I 
understand.  It seems like most languages use TitleCase for 
namespaces and class names, but snake_case for function names.  
This includes Python, C++, and Rust from what I can tell.  This 
matches what is in the GIR files.

At the moment giD matches this, other than I'm using camelCase 
for function/method/enum value names instead of snake_case.

I like it how it is, but I want to make sure it isn't too 
offensive to D programmers ;-)

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