GTKDcoding Update
Ron Tarrant
rontarrant at
Fri Jan 17 13:46:00 UTC 2025
On Friday, 17 January 2025 at 13:21:02 UTC, matheus wrote:
> Very nice indeed.
> Just a tip, you can run:
> It will give you some info about stats and compression of
> images to make it load faster.
> Matheus.
Thanks, Matheus. I didn't know about that site. Good info.
Considering my TODO list (and the one my wife is assembling for
me now that she's retired, too) it could be a very (very, very)
long time before I get around to doing anything to speed up page
loading on (I'm assuming) a mobile device. I make this assumption
because it loads so fast on my desktop that it blows my hair
back... what's left of it (hair, that is). Sorry about that.
The main thrust over the last three months has been to find a way
to keep the blog available without a custom URL and without
Jekyll (which seems to need updating every fifteen minutes and
has become so much of a pain in the a** I just can't deal with it
any longer.) It didn't take three months to rewrite the site, but
it _did_ take that long to find a way to avoid rewriting it from
scratch while keeping all the original functionality of the site.
Over the next year, we're gearing up to buy a house (our first!)
so everything else will be taking a back seat (although, spare
moments here and there may find me back behind the keyboard now
and then.)
Thanks for the input, mate. It's much appreciated.
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