Fluid 0.7.0 has been released!

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at cattermole.co.nz
Mon Jan 20 00:19:44 UTC 2025

On 24/11/2024 9:53 AM, cookiewitch wrote:
>     What about the majority of languages which do not use spaces? Do
>     they submit all of their text in one huge block? And surely basing
>     your rendering idioms around the English concept of a word is surely
>     a bit exclusionary, no?
> I… don't know? My idea of a "word" here is any unbreakable unit. I guess 
> I have another round of looking up Unicode algorithms ahead of me.

Unfortunately word breaking isn't a simple algorithm to implement.


White space and punctuation alone cannot differentiate words.

Nor can it be used to fake identifiers in a programming language.

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