Bad AA behavior

Dave Dave_member at
Sat Dec 23 20:27:39 PST 2006

BCS wrote:
> void main()
> {
>     byte[char[]] set;
>     char[] it = "it".dup;
>     set[it] = 0;
>     assert("it" in set);    // pass
>     it[0] = 'a';
>     it[1] = 'a';
>     assert("it" in set);    // fail
> }
> This can't be correct.

I believe it is correct because of the distinction between value and reference types made throughout 
D. I don't find the behavior inconsistent, although I've been bitten by it once or twice so I'd 
agree that it's not always intuitive.

byte[char[]] set; // is an array of bytes indexed by char[]'s (a reference type)

//set[it] = 0;
set[it.dup] = 0; // this (obviously) will do what you expect

To get the behavior you suggest (and be consistent), then UDT's would all have to have a copy ctor, 
either explicit or implicit. If implicit, then how is the compiler supposed to do a deep copy on 
objects defined like:

class C
     char* ptr;


If manual memory management for D was the norm, then I'd say you have a much stronger argument. But 
since GC is the norm. (and in part because GC is the norm D also does away with copy ctor's) the 
current behavior is correct, IMHO.

- Dave

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