No subject
Tue Dec 19 20:45:11 PST 2006
And me:
The gc currently scans any data for things that look like pointers to GC'ed
memory. For programs handling large numbers of random-looking pointers, or
arrays of chars, or floating point data, this means that basically much memory
will never get freed. The result is that the allocated memory grows and grows,
and gc mark-and-sweep cycles take longer and longer until the program slows to
a crawl and finally fails outright from lack of memory.
This is a serious problem with the GC as currently implemented. It pretty
much prevents any use of the GC in number crunching code, among other things.
Oskar's listing:
import std.random;
void main() {
// The real memory use, ~20 mb
uint[] data;
data.length = 5_000_000;
foreach(inout x; data)
x = rand();
while(1) {
// simulate reading a few kb of data
uint[] incoming;
incoming.length = 1000 + rand() % 5000;
foreach(inout x; incoming)
x = rand();
// do something with the data...
My modification to make it a little more real-world:
import std.math;
import std.random;
import std.stdio;
void main() {
// The real memory use, ~40 mb
double[] data;
data.length = 5_000_000;
foreach(i, inout x; data) {
x = sin(cast(double)i/data.length);
//x = 1;
int count = 0;
int gcount = 0;
while(1) {
// simulate reading a few kb of data
double[] incoming;
incoming.length = 1000 + rand() % 5000;
foreach(i, inout x; incoming) {
x = sin(cast(double)i/incoming.length);
//x = 5;
// do something with the data...
// print status message every so often
count += incoming.length;
if (count > 1_000_000) {
count = 0;
writefln("%s processed", gcount);
// if you comment out the 'sin' lines and put in the lines that
// set the values to constants, then the program does indeed hover around 40MB.
// Otherwise memory usage grows to hundreds of MB.
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