[Issue 249] New: circular typedef and alias bugs

James Pelcis jpelcis at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 21:10:58 PDT 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> d-bugmail at puremagic.com wrote:
>> test2.d(3): circular reference of typedef bar
>> test2.d(3): circular reference of typedef bar
>>  snip
>> test3.d(4): circular reference of typedef foo
> I'm not sure why the message is wrong. The code certainly is.

I agree that the code is wrong.  However, one of those is an alias and 
the other is a typedef.  I suppose it could be debated which is which, 
but only one is a typedef.

> It's still a reasonable error message - I agree it could be improved, 
> but why is it a bug?

I think that the error messages are good, even if they aren't perfect. 
My point is that those four pieces of code are essentially the same but 
all four produce different error messages.  Could they all be made the same?

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