attributes private, package, etc appear to be ignored

Brad Roberts braddr at
Mon Jun 19 14:24:22 PDT 2006

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Sean Kelly wrote:

> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> >
> > Also, I won't revert any unduplication. Unduplication would mean there is
> > contention, and contention must be settled outside of bugzilla, or by the
> > leaders (Walter).
> That works for me.  I mostly just don't want to see this sort of thing turn
> into a battle.
> Sean

I'll worry about it only if things do go that far, and at that point by 
talking to the involved parties.  The value of having the community help 
out with deduping bugs and helping each other out by improving the quality 
of the bug reports so greatly outweighs the occasional misstep that I'm 
not willing to throw in any roadblocks right now.

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