***** D method override mechanisms borked ******

Sean Kelly sean at f4.ca
Sat Jun 24 17:21:45 PDT 2006

kris wrote:
> Basically, several well-known and fundamental OO tenets no longer exist 
> in D; I personally have over two years of carefully designed libraries 
> that are now little more than trash because of this (any subclass can 
> now intercept any type of method implementation). Would imagine others 
> are in the same boat.

This simply has to be a bug, as I can't imagine such a fundamental 
change occurring both intentionally and silently.  It strikes me as odd, 
however, that the language I remember in the spec concerning this seems 
absent.  It was in the "function inheritance and overriding" section, 
wasn't it?  At the very least, I remember quite clearly that private 
functions were not meant to be overridden by a base class, which 
contradicts the results of your example.  Perhaps a new ticket should be 
opened for this?


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