DMD calling incorrect method

Tyler Knott Tyler_member at
Thu Mar 2 22:00:00 PST 2006

In article <du8f49$gnm$1 at>, Walter Bright says...
>The most likely cause of this is the source import files getting out of sync 
>with the binary library files or dll's linked in. For instance, if a method 
>was added in the source file, but the library file wasn't recompiled, then 
>all the offsets for the member functions will be off. 

That's what I though too, but even when I remove every trace of DWT (.libs,
imports, even the documentation and example programs) from my system, and
reinstall/build the latest version from scratch it still gives me an access
violation and builds with the wrong offset.  I'll test this on another computer
tomorrow (with a fresh install of DMD and DWT).

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