BUG: rdmd cmd line argument bug

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeirosATgmail at SPAM.com
Sun May 28 05:10:00 PDT 2006

The Windows version of rdmd passes incorrect command line arguments to 
the program to be run. Here's a test program:

   import std.stdio;

   int main(char[][] args) {
     writefln("ARGS: ", args.length, " ", args);
     return 0;

Here's a correct run with dmd (the program gets the correct args):

$ dmd -run ./printargs.d AA BB CC
ARGS: 4 [d:\#scripts\printargs.exe,AA,BB,CC]

Here's what happens when you run the same program with rdmd:

$ rdmd -run ./printargs.d AA BB CC
ARGS: 3 

The Linux version of rdmd seems to run fine (I haven't tested myself, I 
asked someone else on #D)

Bruno Medeiros - CS/E student

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