auto x = property: variable x cannot be declared to be a function

Lionello Lunesu lio at
Fri Nov 24 03:50:42 PST 2006

When converting a (public) variable into a property (get/set) I suddenly 
got the compiler error mentioned in the subject.

The following code is a minimal test case:

#int prop() { return 0; }
#void main() {
#  auto x = prop;

A workaround is to drop the "auto" and use the actual type: int x = prop;
or to to add an extra pair of (): auto x = prop();

I understand that "prop" is a function and therefor "auto" defers it as 
such and then fails to declare a variable of that type (which is why I'm 
posting it here, instead of in BugZilla.)

Would it break anything to treat this case such that a property behaves 
more like a variable, meaning that the type deferred would be the return 
type of the getter?


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