Conditional ? bug [OT]
Unknown W. Brackets
unknown at
Fri Oct 6 19:24:39 PDT 2006
Well, close, but what he's also saying is that PHP (since 4 actually)
also dropped implicit conversions for them - for example:
bool foo = true;
int bar = 1;
if (foo is bar)
writefln("This happens in D but not in PHP.");
This gave you a much faster compare, as well. Still, I think it makes
sense the way it works now in D, personally.
> Serg Kovrov wrote:
>> I like PHP5 syntax for that matter: use == / '!=' to compare values of
>> objects, and === / !== (they call it 'identity operators') to compare
>> references.
> We had those in D too... They got renamed to 'is"'and '!is' in 0.126.
> --anders
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