bug 142 -- fixed but dstress still failing

Brad Roberts braddr at puremagic.com
Fri Jan 19 00:31:34 PST 2007

http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=142 is marked as fixed as 
of 0.158.  However, looking at the dstress failures for 1.00, I see 
bug_template_610_[ABDE] all failing.  The error message has changed in 
more recent releases from what it used to be:

dmd version 0.146 (something pre-0.158 that I had installed already)
$ ../dmd/146/dmd/bin/dmd -I../dmd/146/dmd/src/phobos bug_template_610_A.d
bug_template_610_A.d(10): template 'A(alias T)' is not a variable
bug_template_610_A.d(10): function expected before (), not A(alias T) of 
type int

dmd version 1.00
$ dmd bug_template_610_A.d
bug_template_610_A.d(10): template 
dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A.A(alias T) does not match any 
template declaration
bug_template_610_A.d(10): template 
dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A.A(alias T) cannot deduce template 
function from argument types (int)

$ cat -n bug_template_610_A.d
      1 module dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A;
      3 template A(alias T) {
      4         void A(T){
      5         }
      6 }
      8 void main(){
      9         int i;
     10         A(i);
     11 }

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