bug 142 -- fixed but dstress still failing

Thomas Kuehne thomas-dloop at kuehne.cn
Sat Jan 20 03:04:03 PST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Frits van Bommel schrieb am 2007-01-19:
> Lionello Lunesu wrote:
>> Brad Roberts wrote:
>>> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=142 is marked as fixed 
>>> as of 0.158.  However, looking at the dstress failures for 1.00, I see 
>>> bug_template_610_[ABDE] all failing.  The error message has changed in 
>>> more recent releases from what it used to be:
>>> dmd version 0.146 (something pre-0.158 that I had installed already)
>>> $ ../dmd/146/dmd/bin/dmd -I../dmd/146/dmd/src/phobos bug_template_610_A.d
>>> bug_template_610_A.d(10): template 'A(alias T)' is not a variable
>>> bug_template_610_A.d(10): function expected before (), not A(alias T) 
>>> of type int
>>> dmd version 1.00
>>> $ dmd bug_template_610_A.d
>>> bug_template_610_A.d(10): template 
>>> dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A.A(alias T) does not match any 
>>> template declaration
>>> bug_template_610_A.d(10): template 
>>> dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A.A(alias T) cannot deduce 
>>> template function from argument types (int)
>>> $ cat -n bug_template_610_A.d
>>>      1 module dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A;
>>>      2
>>>      3 template A(alias T) {
>>>      4         void A(T){
>>>      5         }
>>>      6 }
>>>      7
>>>      8 void main(){
>>>      9         int i;
>>>     10         A(i);
>>>     11 }
>> Should that code even work? I'm no template guru (far from it), but I 
>> have no idea what should be happening. The template should generate a 
>> function called A, which in turn takes a parameter of type T, with T 
>> being "i"? I don't get it.
> No it shouldn't work. That's why the module name includes *nocompile*, I 
> would think. The bug was that the compiler had an assertion failure when 
> compiling that code (look at the summary), not that it didn't compile.
> I'm not sure why dstress lists it as "FAIL" though. I'd think it should 
> be "XFAIL"...
> Thomas, can you shed any light on this?

The above code is missing a crucial information:

 9  // __DSTRESS_ELINE__ 14
11  module dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A;
13  template A(alias T) {
14    void A(T){
15    }
16  }
18  void main(){
19    int i;
20    A(i);
21  }

The template declaration in line 13 matches the request in line 20 but
fails to instantiate due to line 14. If you look at DMD's output
however, only line 20 is mentioned.

bug_template_610_A.d(20): template dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A.A(alias T) does not match any template declaration
bug_template_610_A.d(20): template dstress.nocompile.b.bug_template_610_A.A(alias T) cannot deduce template function from argument types (int)




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