error at mtype.c:4230 (known bug??)

BCS ao at
Mon May 14 16:14:48 PDT 2007

DMD 1.014 winXP
Assert is from marked line, is this a known issue??

template T(V...){alias V T;}

struct S
	private template Process(int type)
/**/		alias T!(int) Arg;
		void Process()

	alias Process!(1) GetValue;

void main()
	S h;

This also fails with the same assert.
Drop the marked line and it give a different (correct) error.

struct S
	private template Process(int type, Arg...)
/**/		alias int Rt;
		void Process(Arg a)
	alias Process!(1, int) GetValue;

void main()
	S h;
	assert(h.GetValue(5) == 6);

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