Documentation: example no longer compiles

Denton Cockburn diboss at
Thu Feb 28 17:55:32 PST 2008

This example found at no longer
compiles in 2.011:

template decimalDigit(int n)	// [3]
  const char[] decimalDigit = "0123456789"[n..n+1];

template itoa(long n)
  static if (n < 0)
     const char[] itoa = "-" ~ itoa!(-n);  
  else static if (n < 10)
     const char[] itoa = decimalDigit!(n); 
     const char[] itoa = itoa!(n/10L) ~ decimalDigit!(n%10L); 

char[] foo()
  return itoa!(264);   // returns "264"

the fix is to change the signature of 'char[] foo()' to const(char[]) foo()

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