Russian and other national languages support

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Tue Feb 3 17:41:30 PST 2009

BCS wrote:
> Reply to Stewart,
>> Meanwhile, best bet is to stop using the web interface and get oneself
>> a newsreader.
> If the web interface is the problem than it's the posting bit

It can't be just the posting bit.  If it doesn't declare a sensible 
encoding, it can't properly display UTF-8 encoded posts either.

JTAI it doesn't just need to declare an encoding for the HTML output - 
it also needs to declare a suitable encoding when posting and handle 
encoding properly when displaying messages.  But how easy or not is this 
in PHP?

> as /I'm/ not using the web interface.

My comment wasn't aimed at you particularly - I just needed somewhere to 
put it.  Sorry if it seemed otherwise.


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