[Issue 2635] $ for user-defined slices should forward to value.length, not global __dollar. Also injected "length" must go.
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu Jan 29 18:28:49 PST 2009
------- Comment #1 from schveiguy at yahoo.com 2009-01-29 20:28 -------
I think expanding to length is not always correct, although I do agree that it
can be solved with the proposed method.
Length is not always the name of the term you would pass to a slice.
Example: sorted dictionary (Red-black tree based for instance). A slice of
this container would use two key types as slice indexes. So you would have to
define a property length that returns a key, which is super unintuitive for
people who are trying to use the length property outside a slicing operation
(imagine if the key type is string, your length has to return a string).
I think the opDollar would suit this rather well, but maybe call it opSliceEnd,
or something like that (to follow the spirit of current operator naming
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