[Issue 5390] Make it possible to test whether a type is an instantiation of a particular template

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu Dec 30 12:34:37 PST 2010


Michal Minich <michal.minich at gmail.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |michal.minich at gmail.com

--- Comment #3 from Michal Minich <michal.minich at gmail.com> 2010-12-30 12:32:30 PST ---
This works:

import std.stdio;

class Dict (K, V) {}

void main () {
    Dict!(string, int) dict;
    Foo (dict);

template Foo (C : T!(P1, P2), alias T, P1, P2)
    void Foo (C container)
        writeln(C.stringof);  // Dict
        writeln(T.stringof);  // Dict(K, V)
        writeln(P1.stringof); // string
        writeln(P2.stringof); // int

Unfortunately it seems not to work with variadic templates, so overloads for
parameter P# need to be created currently, to make it practically generic. If
needed, this template can be called recursively in case P# is template

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