[Issue 3780] New: getopt improvements by Igor Lesik
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sun Feb 7 18:38:21 PST 2010
Summary: getopt improvements by Igor Lesik
Product: D
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: DMD
AssignedTo: nobody at puremagic.com
ReportedBy: andrei at metalanguage.com
--- Comment #0 from Andrei Alexandrescu <andrei at metalanguage.com> 2010-02-07 18:38:17 PST ---
Below is a paste of the page at http://www.curoles.com/j/getoptex.html. The
code should be added to std.getopt, perhaps as an overload of the current
function. Thanks Igor! I will add your name to the authors list when I make the
One way to extend Phobos library std.getopt.getopt function is make a wrapper
around it that could be feeded with usage information about every option and
let it automatically gather all usage strings into one usage/help message
block, similarly to Boost program_options library
Below is an example how getoptEx could be used:
import getoptex;
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
string inputFile, outputFile;
bool helpPrinted = getoptEx(
"Test program to demonstrate getoptEx\n"~
"written by Igor Lesik on Feb 2010\n"~
"Usage: test1 { --switch }\n",
"\tinput file name,\n"~
"\tmust be html file",
"\toutput file name",
"\tprint name of\n"~
"\tthe author",
delegate() {writeln("Igor Lesik");}
if (helpPrinted)
writeln("Input file name:", inputFile);
writeln("Output file name:", outputFile);
If you call the program with --help option, then output is:
>test1.exe --help
Test program to demonstrate getoptEx
written by Igor Lesik on Feb 2010
Usage: test1 { --switch }
input file name,
must be html file
output file name
print name of
the author
produce help message
getopEx implementation:
module getoptex;
import std.stdio;
import std.getopt;
private import std.contracts;
private import std.typetuple;
private import std.conv;
bool getoptEx(T...)(string helphdr, ref string[] args, T opts)
"Invalid arguments string passed: program name missing");
string helpMsg = GetoptHelp(opts); // extract all help strings
bool helpPrinted = false; // state tells if called with "--help"
void printHelp()
writeln("\n", helphdr, "\n", helpMsg,
"--help", "\n\tproduce help message");
helpPrinted = true;
getopt(args, GetoptEx!(opts), "help", &printHelp);
return helpPrinted;
private template GetoptEx(TList...)
static if (TList.length)
static if (is(typeof(TList[0]) : config))
// it's a configuration flag, lets move on
alias TypeTuple!(TList[0],GetoptEx!(TList[1 .. $])) GetoptEx;
// it's an option string, eat help string
alias TypeTuple!(TList[0],TList[2],GetoptEx!(TList[3 .. $]))
alias TList GetoptEx;
private string GetoptHelp(T...)(T opts)
static if (opts.length)
static if (is(typeof(opts[0]) : config))
// it's a configuration flag, skip it
return GetoptHelp(opts[1 .. $]);
// it's an option string
string option = to!(string)(opts[0]);
string help = to!(string)(opts[1]);
return( "--"~option~"\n"~help~"\n"~GetoptHelp(opts[3 .. $]) );
return to!(string)("\n");
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