[Issue 5219] @noheap annotation

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sat Nov 20 14:25:57 PST 2010


--- Comment #7 from Sobirari Muhomori <dfj1esp02 at sneakemail.com> 2010-11-20 14:24:31 PST ---
(In reply to comment #5)
> This is not only performance but also behavior.

Multithreading, GC and TLS have global consequences, who knows, how third-party
code will react on it. We know, how TLS is broken in dlls on windows and how
some system calls spawn threads unexpected by druntime, which leads to crashes.

(In reply to comment #6)
> both @nogc and @noheap are very usefull

Well, attribute may be an overkill, compiler switch is enough (module-wide

> I think that both these attributes should be processed by some other tool.
> Performance considerations are not usually part of the language, but are common
>  as third party solutions.

Other tool can't know, when compiler decides to alloc, especially a third-party
tool. This can even depend on compiler switches like optimization.

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